How to Crochet Mini Bees: A Fun and Easy DIY Project


Crocheting is a versatile and enjoyable craft that allows you to create a wide range of adorable items, from blankets and scarves to stuffed animals. If you're looking for a cute and easy crochet project, you're in luck! In this article, we'll guide you through the process of crocheting mini bees, perfect for adding a touch of sweetness to your crafting repertoire.

Materials You'll Need

Before we dive into the crochet instructions, let's gather the materials you'll need for this project. Here's a list of what you'll require:

Yellow and black yarn (worsted weight)

Crochet hook (appropriate for your yarn, typically around 4.0 mm)

Safety eyes (or black beads/buttons if making for older children or adults)

Fiberfill or stuffing of your choice

Yarn needle


Abbreviations to Know

To successfully complete your crochet bee, you'll need to be familiar with a few abbreviations commonly used in crochet patterns:

ch: Chain

sc: Single crochet

inc: Increase (2 sc in the same stitch)

dec: Decrease (single crochet 2 stitches together)

sl st: Slip stitch

Now that you have your materials ready and are familiar with the abbreviations, let's start crafting!

Crocheting Your Mini Bee

Bee Body (in yellow):

Round 1: Start with a magic ring, crochet 6 sc into the ring. (6)

Round 2: Inc in each stitch around. (12)

Round 3: Sc 1, inc around. (18)

Round 4-6: Single crochet in each stitch around. (18)

Round 7: Sc 1, dec around. (12)

Begin stuffing the body.

Round 8: Dec around. (6)

Fasten off and weave in the end.

Bee Stripes (in black):

For the stripes on the bee, you can either embroider them with black yarn or sew them using black felt. To embroider the stripes:

Thread a piece of black yarn onto a yarn needle.

Make horizontal straight stitches evenly spaced around the bee's body.

Bee Wings (in white or light gray):

Round 1: Start with a magic ring, crochet 6 sc into the ring. (6)

Round 2: Inc in each stitch around. (12)

Round 3: Sc 1, inc around. (18)

Fasten off, leaving a tail for sewing. You'll attach the wings to the sides of the bee's body.

Bee Antennae (in black):

Cut two small pieces of black yarn and attach them to the top of the bee's head using a yarn needle. Knot the ends to secure the antennae.

Bee Eyes (optional, using safety eyes or black beads/buttons):

If you're using safety eyes, attach them to the bee's face between Rounds 4 and 5, leaving a few stitches in between.


Attach the wings to the sides of the bee's body, slightly overlapping the body.

If you didn't use safety eyes, you can embroider or sew on small black beads or buttons for the bee's eyes.

Embroider a tiny smile with black yarn below the eyes if desired.

Weave in any remaining yarn ends.

Your cute mini crochet bee is complete! You can make as many as you like and even experiment with different colors and sizes to create a whole swarm of adorable bees. Enjoy your crocheting!


Crocheting mini bees is a delightful and rewarding project for crafters of all skill levels. These tiny bees make charming decorations, lovely gifts, or even adorable keychains. So grab your crochet hook, some yarn, and get started on your own buzzing bee creations today!


What size safety eyes should I use for the mini bees?

Safety eyes with a 6mm diameter work well for this project.

Can I use different colors for the bees?

Absolutely! Feel free to get creative and make bees in various colors to suit your preferences.

Are these mini bees suitable for beginners?

Yes, this project is beginner-friendly and a great way to practice basic crochet techniques.

Where can I find a video tutorial for crocheting mini bees?

You can search online video platforms like YouTube for step-by-step tutorials.

What other crochet projects can I try after making mini bees?

There are countless crochet projects to explore, from amigurumi animals to cozy blankets. The possibilities are endless!

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